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 04 – 06 February 2025

 New Orleans Cocktail Bar & Grill, Carnival City 


Please choose a show time

04 February

18:00 – 20:00
20:30 – 22:30

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05 February

18:00 – 20:00
20:30 – 22:30

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06 February

18:00 – 20:00
20:30 – 22:30

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Event Details:

Verhooghipnose in Suid-Afrika is sinoniem met André – die skreeusnaakse hipnotiseur. André tree al die afgelope twee dekades dwarsdeur Suid-Afrika op, en vermaak gehore steeds met sy skaterlag-vertonings landwyd! As jy braaf genoeg is en ‘n bok vir sports is, kom wees een van André se vrywilligers om onder hipnose te gaan by die New Orleans Cocktail Bar and Grill vanaf 4 tot 6 Februarie 2025! Of kom geniet net die mannewales van sy vrywilligers.

Hy steel onder andere vinger nommer vyf, vrywilligers word wasmasjiene en dis wasdag, sal jy heerlik aan ‘n ui eet en dink dis ‘n appel, kyk hoe word vrywilligers bekende sangers soos Steve Hofmeyr of Juanita du Plessis en vele meer pret. Onthou, mense onder hipnose sal enigeiets doen! Wel, enigeiets wat hy of sy morele waardes hom of haar toelaat. Maar pret gaan ons hê in Skaterlag!

Stage hypnosis in South Africa is synonymous with André – the hilarious hypnotist. André has been performing throughout South Africa for the past two decades and continues to entertain audiences with his hilarious shows nationwide! If you’re brave enough up for a bit of fun, come and be one of André’s volunteers to go under hypnosis at the New Orleans Cocktail Bar and Grill from February 4 to 6! Or just come and enjoy the antics of his volunteers.

Among other things, he steals finger number five, volunteers become washing machines and it’s washing day. Will you enjoy eating an onion and think it’s an apple? Come and see how volunteers become famous singers like Steve Hofmeyr or Juanita du Plessis and many more. Remember, people under hypnosis will do anything! Well, anything that his or her moral values allow them to do.

Age Restriction:




011 815 3000